5/9: Talent Show
5/16: Pre-K 4 Celebration
5/20: 5th Grade Banquet
5/21: Last Day of School, Tawny Owl and Spotted Owl Optional Care available through Friday, 5/24
5/27: Memorial Day
5/28: Summer Program Begins
Lower School Highlights
With the heat of summer closing in fast, Lower School students remain hard at work, finishing out exciting end of the year projects and activities. Katie Roseborough, author of, “There’s a Mermaid in My Pool”, will be visiting our school soon, and children spent time preparing questions for her visit (children may also dress as a “mermaid or a merman” for this event). Other students worked in teams to create marine life displays, complete with a variety of sea creatures, and a pirate ship with periscopes and treasure maps! Lastly, keep an eye out- Teacher Reports about students’ academic and social development will be coming out soon.
A Note from Kris
Help Your Child Grow Inside and Out
During their first five years, children undergo more rapid changes in their physical development than at any other time in their lives. Changes occur in body proportion, coordination and strength as children develop physical, motor and sensory capacities that enhance exploration and mastery of the environment.
Looking for ideas on how to further your child’s gross motor skills?
- Play tag or hide and seek.
- Play toss and catch games with different sized objects.
- Provide your child with a safe area to run and jump.
- Use sidewalk chalk to draw a hopscotch game.
When it’s really hot outdoors, libraries and museums offer a cool alternative. Many museums throughout Florida provide hands-on activities to get children excited about learning.
Upper School Highlights
Upper School students were immersed in projects over the past week, crafting Mother’s Day posters and pictures, while also continuing their Kindness Mission- writing, making cards, and planning a donation drive for the residents of Starling at Nocatee Assisted Living and Memory Care. Students put their knowledge to work by creating and participating in interactive community projects, including making a commercial, and testing each other’s abilities in Educational Game Day. Lastly, both staff and students spent time polishing up their acts and preparing for our Talent Show- we’re excited to enjoy all of our performers’ acts, and hope to see you all there!
Cassie Lottman
After 14 years in the classroom, Cassie Lottman brings a wealth of knowledge and wisdom into her work at Collage. With a strong background with young learners in a variety of settings, she continually demonstrates a natural comfort and a high level of effectiveness with her students. “I really like seeing how independent they become”, she says, offering her thoughts on her students’ progress throughout the year. “They really start understanding things, from their colors, to facts, to friendships- the growth we get to see in them at this age is incredible”. Whether it’s making insect finger paintings, helping kids explore items on a sensory table, or sharing her love of science, Cassie’s passion for child development is undeniable. “I love the outdoor experiences the kids get to participate in”, she says. “Collage kids benefit so much from being able to learn in an outdoor environment.” We couldn’t be more thankful for all that you do, Cassie- you’re what being part of the Collage team is all about! |

Summer Camp 2024
Preparations are well underway for Collage’s 2024 Summer Camp, and we’re proud to announce new and exciting expansions to our program. For our youngest, Preschool-aged campers, Camp Collage and TimberNook will be filled with outdoor crafts and activities, as well as weekly on-site field trips with a new theme each week!
For our campers aged 5 and up, along with participation in Camp Collage and TimberNook, new mini-camp choices will be offered, including:
Ballet and Contemporary Dance
Horsin’ Around
Princess Ballet
In My Summer Era
Track and Field
Color Theory and Art Exploration
Culinary Connoisseurs
Kids Eye View
Marine Biology
Flag Football
Watercolor Exploration
We can’t wait to see what amazing things our campers create this summer, and we hope to see you all there!
For direct questions, reach out to Tiffany Clark, at clark@collagedayschool.org
Curriculum Corner: Summer Prep
Summer is the perfect time for students of all ages to relax and unwind, but it’s also a time when “learning loss” can occur. This learning loss is called the “summer slide,” and happens when children do not engage in educational activities during the summer months. As you’re thinking about your plans for the upcoming break, we’ve gathered a few ideas and activities that you and your children – no matter their ages – can add to your summer bucket list.
Finally, tutoring provides an excellent opportunity to address any gaps or weaknesses that may have been identified during school year. Tutors can work closely with students to review challenging concepts, reinforce foundational knowledge, and fill any educational gaps. In addition, teachers have a great understanding of the Florida Standards so they are able to preview skills and standards for the upcoming year. Teachers are available all summer long for tutoring! Below are a list of Collage teachers that are offering tutoring over the summer: Primary Grades: Shari Goldman Brianna Romero Kesia Griffith Kristen Valletta Upper Grades: Pat Griffin Peter Carmichael Thyra Morton Danielle Theriault If you are interested in tutoring services for your child, please reach out to Danielle Theriault at theriault@collagedayschool.org or Karen Carmichael at carmichael@collagedayschool.org for more information and teacher contact. |
We’re excited to announce that Ms. Griffith’s class is researching the impact of poverty on children and the key challenges they face. Therefore, we are holding an end-of-the-year donation drive. This drive will support Family Support Services, a child welfare agency in Jacksonville. This is a great opportunity for our classrooms to come together and make a positive impact while having some fun! Join us in spreading joy to children and families in need! Your donation can make a big difference in someone’s life. Join our donation drive and make an impact today. Competition Details: Dates: 5/8/2024 to 5/20/2025 Objective: Each classroom will compete to gather the most donations. Prizes: The winning classroom (with the most donations) will earn a special party with their choice of donuts, pizza, or ice cream! |

For May Project-Based Learning, second graders researched animal homelessness around the world. Students wanted to make flyers to raise awareness, and offer solutions for people to help animals in need.

Collage Day School Talent Show!
The event takes place next Thursday, May 9th. Food trucks will be on site for purchase. Enrichments Club Creative, STEAM, and Animal Explorers will be on display in the new pavilion. The show starts at 6:00pm but arrive early to set up your chairs and order food. We’ve got martial arts, singing, comedy, dance, and much more!

Teacher Appreciation May 6-10!
Each day students will bring gifts for the teachers
o Bring a flower to your teacher
o Bring your teacher’s favorite sweet treat
o Bring your teacher’s favorite snack/drink
o Bring your teacher’s a thank you note/card
o Wear your teacher’s favorite color
o Gift Card
o Lottery TicketFor more information, contact Tiffany at: clark@collagedayschool.org

For many children, managing the social world day in and day out eventually presents challenges. Some children may struggle with social flexibility, or sudden frustration, or wanting to engage but just struggling to figure out how. Mandala Family Wellness is proud to offer a group designed to improve children’s confidence, fluidity, and excitement about making and maintaining friendships. Guided by Mandala therapists, children will learn highly effective and applicable social skills to improve their navigation of relationships and bolster their self-esteem.
** Social skills group is now open to 3, 4, and 5-year-olds with our "Little Leaders" program.
To sign up, contact Sierra Sternberg at: sternberg@mandalafamilywellness.com
Staying Healthy with Nurse Chelsea
Chelsea Boudreau came to Collage in 2023, when she enrolled her child here as a new student, and heard about an opening for a position as our school nurse. After over a decade working in Adult Intensive Care Units (in South Florida, Colorado, and Mayo Clinic), Collage Day School certainly was a change of pace for her, and we could not be happier she decided to come.
“I feel so supported here”, she says. “The kids are great, the staff are great- every day, I feel like the people here are genuinely happy to see me, and that really helps make the job easy”.
Asked about her experience here at Collage, she speaks with integrity as she explains, “During the school day, people entrust their children to us, which is a responsibility I accept with the utmost seriousness. In healthcare, you’re always learning, and I do my best to use everything I’ve learned when caring for the children of this school.”
Chelsea’s work at Collage is a natural expression of the person she already is- someone with sincere compassion for maintaining the safety of other people’s children. When asked about how her role at Collage compares to others she’s held, she talks about acting as a helping hand to the teachers, and she points out the way Collage staff work together as a family to help the school run.
“The kids really are so appreciative,” she continues, “They come in at their low point, they have aches and pains, they feel scared. I do what I can for them, and later, when I see them again, they say, ‘Remember when tummy hurt- it doesn’t hurt anymore!’ They’re just so happy to feel better, and when that happens, I can’t help but feel like I’m right where I’m supposed to be.”
We truly cannot thank you enough. Your tireless efforts help make us all feel comfortable and safe, and that is something few people can do. This school year is almost over, but Chelsea, we can’t wait for you to come back next year and continue to bring smiles and wellness to our school.
Thank you to all our sponsors…